
Benefits of Strength Training for Overall Health

Benefits of Strength Training for Overall Health

Strength training is often associated with bodybuilding and muscle gain, but its benefits extend far beyond aesthetics. In this article, we will delve into the numerous health advantages of strength training that can improve your overall well-being.

Enhances Muscle Mass and Strength

Strength training increases muscle mass and strength, which are crucial for maintaining physical function and mobility as you age. According to the National Institute on Aging, strength training can help prevent muscle loss and maintain independence in older adults (NIA, 2017).

Boosts Metabolic Rate

Muscle tissue is metabolically active, meaning it burns more calories at rest compared to fat tissue. A study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that resistance training significantly increases resting metabolic rate (Hulmi et al., 2015).

Improves Bone Health

Strength training places stress on bones, stimulating them to grow stronger and denser. The American College of Sports Medicine states that regular weight-bearing exercise can help prevent osteoporosis and fractures (ACSM, 2013).

Enhances Mental Health

Exercise, including strength training, has been shown to improve mental health by reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. A meta-analysis published in JAMA Psychiatry concluded that resistance exercise training significantly reduces depressive symptoms (Gordon et al., 2018).

Aids in Weight Management

Strength training helps in weight management by increasing lean muscle mass and boosting metabolism. A study in Obesity Reviews highlighted that resistance training can lead to significant reductions in body fat percentage (Willis et al., 2012).

Reduces Risk of Chronic Diseases

Regular strength training can lower the risk of developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends incorporating strength training into your routine for its protective effects against chronic illnesses (CDC, 2018).


Strength training offers a multitude of health benefits that go beyond building muscle. By incorporating regular strength training into your fitness regimen, you can improve your physical, mental, and metabolic health, ultimately enhancing your quality of life. For more fitness tips, check out our blog.


  • National Institute on Aging (2017). Exercise & Physical Activity: Your Everyday Guide from the National Institute on Aging.
  • Hulmi, J. J., et al. (2015). The effects of strength training on resting metabolic rate and serum leptin levels in postmenopausal women. Journal of Applied Physiology, 119(5), 554-560.
  • American College of Sports Medicine (2013). ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription.
  • Gordon, B. R., et al. (2018). Association of efficacy of resistance exercise training with depressive symptoms: Meta-analysis and meta-regression analysis of randomized clinical trials. JAMA Psychiatry, 75(6), 566-576.
  • Willis, L. H., et al. (2012). Effects of aerobic and/or resistance training on body mass and fat mass in overweight or obese adults. Obesity Reviews, 13(3), 275-291.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2018). Physical Activity and Health.